What are we learning today?
1. Work Day Today
2. Objectives to accomplish today:
Screen Print
- Choose a theme for your prints
- Make four thumbnails based on a single theme
- Develop the best one into a rough, color it, get approved
- Vector your design
- Convert the color that you want a positive for to back, others white
- Add registration marks 1” from the top & bottom
- Size the image appropriately
- Email the file as an attachment to tatej
- Obtain & label a screen with tape on edge
- Degrease screen
- Coat the screen
- Cut rubilith for th second color
- Expose screen using both positive & rubilith
- Wash out screen
- Dry screen & look for emulsion in print areas
- Patch pinholes
- Cut paper to print on
- Block out screen
- Cutout comprehensive, center on one of cut printing sheets
- Print the first color
- Reblock the screen for the second color
- Print the second color
- Reclaim screen
- Choose 3 best prints
- Mat the very best one
- Paperclip thumb, rough, comp, matted, 2 other prints & rubric
- Turn in to bin on my desk
3. Cleanup
4. Time Sheets
5. Review/what’s next
Handouts: None
Period 3
What are we learning today?
1. PPT: History of Gaming - Generation 5
2. Objectives to accomplish today:
- Choose a theme for your game
- Decide on a wall, hero, food & enemies
- Export each sprite as a PNG
- Vector a sprite for each
- Create a splash screen
- Export the splash screen as a PNG
- Make a logo splash screen
- Export the splash screen as a PNG
- Animate Pacman
- Program part 1 of Pacman
- Program part 2 of Pacman
- Test play the game and debug it
- Upload the final game to Schoology
3. Cleanup
4. Review/what’s next
Handouts: None
Period 4
What are we learning today?
1. Kahoot!
2. Demo: Adding Design to Your Card
3. Demo: Spot Color (Burn & Dodge)
4. Demo: Global Correction
5. Weekend’s Assignment
6. Objectives to accomplish today:
- Open one of your dutch angle photos
- Follow the steps to make it straight & crop
- Upload the before & after to Schoology
Christmas Card
- Choose two of your photos for the card
- Follow the steps to make just the front of the card
- Setup the card a layout in InDesign
- Add the card front, logo, graphics or photos to the card
- Export the file as a Print PDF
- Upload the before & after to Schoology
Global Color Correction
- Open one of your photos that is too light or dark as a whole
- Follow the steps to make the exposure correct
- Upload the before & after to Schoology
Local Color Correction
- Open two of your photos, one with light spot, one with dark spot
- Follow the steps to make the exposure correct
- Upload the before & after to Schoology
Everyday Intrigue
- Take at least 10 photos that are everyday items but make cool pics
- Upload the pictures to the computer
- Make a proof sheet, print and turn in
- Upload just the photos to Schoology
7. Cleanup
8. Review/what’s next
Handouts: Global Adjustment, Burn & Dodge
Period 5
What are we learning today?
1. Demo: Making the Notebook Cover
2. Objectives to accomplish today:
Notebook Pages
- Draw 4 thumbnails for the inside pages
- Develop the best into a rough
- Vector the image
- Draw lines for the pages
- Change all of the colors to shades of black and gray
Notebook Cover
- Vector the cover
- Include some sort of label to make it official
- Add some depth with gradients, shadows, textures
3 Color Screen
- Draw four thumbnails
- Develop the best into a rough
- Get the rough approved
- Vector the image
- Convert all colors to white, color you want made black
- Add registration marks
- Email the file to tatej
- Cut rubilith for other two colors
- Stretch a new screen
- Degrease the screen
- Coat your screen
- Expose the screen with positive & rubilith
- Wash out the screen
3D Vector App
- Choose an appropriate image for the machine you chose to use
- Vector the image
3. Cleanup
4. Time Sheets
5. Review/what’s next
Handouts: None