What are we learning today?
1. Cleanup
2. Laptop Turn In
3. Goodbyes
4. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
Fabric Screen
- Vector, change colors to b/w & rescale the image
- Email the vector to me
- Degrease & coat the screen
- Expose & washout the screen
- Patch pinholes
- Block out screen
- Stretch shirt over glued chipboard
- Line up positive in desired location on fabric
- Move fabric with positive until it lines up with screen
- Remove positive & do a practice print on fabric
- If good, print on fabric, if not, adjust and test again
- Clean the screen
- Cure ink on fabric with flash dryer
- Turn in thumbnails, rough, positive & fabric print to bin
5. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: None
Period 3
What are we learning today?
1. Lab Cleanup Today
2. Laptop Turn In Tomorrow
3. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
Vinyl Jacket
- Choose a band/artist and album
- Brainstorm ideas for graphics & photos
- Draw thumbnails for the cover & back
- Layout the framework in Illustrator
- Print the layout & draw rough into it
- Vector image(s)
- Take your photo of the product
- Simple background & strong lighting
- Try different angles & take extra shots
- Compose your type in Illustrator
- Add graphic(s) & photo to Illustrator file
- Print & Trim the file
- Score and glue the jacket together
- Export the file as a Print PDF & upload it to Schoology
Vinyl Decal
- Create the template for the vinyl decal in Illustrator
- Apply the logo to the front template
- Include an attractive layout and the name of the album
- Place the cutout onto the back decal
- Add an attractive layout & quote from the band
- Save both decals & email them to me
- Apply the decals to each side
- Upload the two decals & jacket to Schoology
- Insert the vinyl w/decals to the jacket, tuck thumbnails & rough in, turn in to bin
4. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: None
Period 4
What are we learning today?
1. Reminder: Laptop Turn in Tomorrow!!!
2. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
Maze Puzzler
- Program Alpha using your sprites
- Create a Splash Screen
- Program Beta
- Create a logo Splash Screen
- Program the game to show the splash and advance after a few seconds
- Test for bugs
- Upload the GM81 file to Schoology
3. Cleanup
4. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: None
Period 5
What are we learning today?
1. Demo: Backing up to Drive
2. Laptop Due Tomorrow!
3. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
Lens Flare Background
- Follow the steps on the handout to make a flare brush
- Make a new document 11” x 17” & 300 ppi
- Use the brush to make the design
- Upload the document as a PSD to Schoology
- Open the calendar in InDesign
- On page 14, draw a box the size of the collage you would like to make
- Make a new document in Photoshop the same size as the box in InDesign
- In the properties panel in InDesign there is a W & H
- The W & H would be the W & H you will use for the new Photoshop Doc
- Set the resolution to 300
- Make the background contents transparent
- Open each photo separately in Ps
- Use the rectangular marquee tool to select the photo & then copy it
- Paste it into the new Photoshop Document & rescale it (Ctrl T)
- Repeat for the next photo, making sure they overlap
- Set the erase to a soft edge, somewhat opaque percentage & erase the edges
- Save the collage as a PSD
- Change the month & dates to fit each month
- Crop, resize & place photos for the month pages
- Add any other touches to month pages
- Place in the cover design (possibly using the lens flare) on page 1
- Place the collage on page 14
- Export the calendar
- Make a proof sheet & print it
- Adjust colors, errors as seen on proof
- Export the calendar as a Print PDF
- Upload PDF to Schoology
- Turn in physical copy of thumbnails, rough, & proof to bin
4. Cleanup
5. Review/What’s Next