What are we learning today?
1. Review Clone Stamp, Dark Circles
2. PPT: Looking vs. Seeing
3. Demo: Smart Blur
4. Demo: Smart Cast
5. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
Clone Stamp
- Open a portrait in which the subject has a mole, pimple, birthmark etc.
- Use the clone stamp to cover it
- Upload the before and after to schoology
Dark Circles
- Open a portrait in which the subject has wrinkles or dark circles under their eyes
- Use the patch tool to blend the area
- Upload the before and after to Schoology
Smart Blur
- Open a portrait to soften or “air brush” the skin
- Follow the steps to soft ONLY the skin
- Upload the before and after to schoology
Smart Cast
- Open a portrait to tan the subjects skin
- Follow the steps to tan ONLY the skin
- Upload the before and after to schoology
6. Cleanup
7. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: Smart Blur, Smart Cast, Looking vs. Seeing
Period 3
What are we learning today?
1. Review Blocking Out a Screen & Cutting Paper
2. Lesson: Logo Design
3. Next Up... Logo Design
4. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
Screen Print
- Stretch new fabric
- Choose an idea for the screen print
- Vector the image
- Scale the graphic to size (max 8”x 8”)
- Add registration marks (1” from your images top & bottom)
- Change one color to black, other to white
- Email me the file so I can create a positive
- Degrease screen
- Coat screen
- Expose screen
- Washout screen
- Patch pinholes
- Cut paper to print on
- Blockout screen
- Print the first color
- Re-block the screen
- Print the second color
- Reclaim the screen
- Mat best print
- Paperclip thumb, rough, comp & 5 good prints, place in bin
- Choose a name or image for your artist
- Brainstorm & draw 4 thumbnails using that name or image
- Choose your favorite thumbnail
- Develop that design into a large, clean, colored rough
- Scan the rough
- Place the scan into an Ai file, lock layer, create second layer
- Vector your logo with shapes & pen tool
- Add color to the logo
- Save as an Ai file and upload the image w/thumb, rough to Schoology
5. Cleanup
6. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: None
Period 5
What are we learning today?
1. Lesson: Making a Splash Screen
2. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
- Choose a theme for your game
- Decide on wall, ball, bat & barrier
- Create vector graphics for each of the objects
- Use a consistent color scheme
- Wall sprites should be precisely 32 x 32 pixels
- Export each sprite as PNG
- Use the directions to program Part 1
- Make a Splash Screen for both the game & your logo
- Use the directions to program Part 2
- Double check all features of the game
- Upload the image to Schoology
3. Cleanup
4. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: None