What are we learning today?
1. Review Screen Printing
2. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
Screen Printing
- Choose a name or image for a company
- Brainstorm and draw 4 thumbnails
- Choose your favorite thumbnail
- Develop that design into a large, clean, colored rough
- Obtain, label, & degrease a screen
- Coat the screen
- Convert the vector to black & white, email to Mr. Tate
- Expose the screen
- Wash out the screen with a cone spray of water
- Patch Pinholes
- Block out the screen
- Cut paper to print on*
- Cut out the comprehensive, center it on cut paper, tape in place
- Print the design
- Reclaim the screen
- Mat the best print*
- Paperclip thumb, rough, comp, 2 prints, matted & rubric
3. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: None
Period 3
What are we learning today?
1. Demo: Making a Cover Page (Part 2)
2. Printing the Cover Page
3. Kahoot!
4. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
Typeface Search
- Obtain and label four sheets of paper
- 5 Roman, 5 Square (page 1)
- 10 Sans Serif (page 2)
- 10 Script (page 3)
- 1 Text, 9 Novelty (page 4)
- Cut out examples and glue them into the correct section
- Print cover page
- Staple all pages together
- Turn in Search to bin
5. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: How Do I Use Illustrator
Period 4
What are we learning today?
1. Quizlet
2. PPT: Rasters vs. Vectors Part 2
3. Review Pen Tool & Penn State Logo
4. Review Logo Thumbnails, Rough, Setting up Vectoring
5. Demo: Touching Up Vectors
6. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
- Choose a name or image to base your logo on
- Draw 4 thumbnails around that idea
- Choose the best thumbnail and develop it into a rough
- Color the rough with colored pencils
- Scan the logo with Ps & end computer
- Create an Ai file, place scan, lock layer
- Create new layer and vector each piece on it
- Color the image
- Save the image an Ai file
- Export the image as a PNG (File>Export)
Illustrator Dog
- Find & download the file
- Create new layer, lock the first
- Follow steps on handout to create the dog
- Be as precise as possible in shape, size & color
- Save the images as an Ai file
- Upload the final image to Schoology
Practice Vector
- Launch Ai
- Place the logo
- Create a new layer, lock the first
- Change the fill to none, stroke to bright color
- Zoom in (Ctrl +) on the inner ear
- Draw the three lines to make the shape
- Select and color the inner ear
- Draw the white silhouette of the head
- Color it and send it to the back
- Draw the blue oval with cutout
- Color the shape
- Draw the final white outer oval & color it
- Upload the final image to Schoology
6. Cleanup
7. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: None
Period 5
What are we learning today?
1. Review Selection Tools, File Types, Transparency
2. Color Temperature
3. Demo: Adjusting Color Temperature
4. Demo: Combining Photos
5. PPT: Portraits
6. Next Weeks Photos
7. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
Merging Project
- Find a photo
- Choose a partner
- Show your partner your photo, determine shooting
- Take photos
- Upload the photo(s) to the computer
- Find a photo of a prop
- Not a one color background
- Higher res is better
- Make a practice selection of prop
- Make a legit selection of you from the photo your partner took
- Turn the selection into a cutout
- Adjust the color temperature on the cutout
- Add the cutout to the picture from the web
- Resize the merged, composite image
- Save & Upload the merged photos to Schoology
Practice Selection
- Find an image on Google and download it to your laptop
- Open the image in Adobe Photoshop
- Use each of the tools to practice making a selection
- Covert the background to monochrome
- Save & Upload the project to Schoology under Practice Selection Assignment
8. Cleanup
9. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: Adjusting Color Temp, Combining Photos