What are we learning today?
1. Saving to Drive
2. Turning In Laptops
3. Goodbyes
4. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
- Open all photos from calendar in Ps
- Open the collage doc that we started as a class
- Add all photos to the collage doc
- Erase with an opacity to blur edges & transitions
- Upload the document as a PSD to Schoology
Lens Flare Background
- Follow the steps on the handout to make a flare brush
- Make a new document 11” x 17” & 300 ppi
- Use the brush to make the design
- Upload the document as a PSD to Schoology
- Change the month & dates to fit each month
- Crop, resize & place photos for the month pages
- Add any other touches to month pages
- Place in the cover design (possibly using the lens flare) on page 1
- Place the collage on page 14
- Export the calendar
- Make a proof sheet & print it
- Adjust colors, errors as seen on proof
- Export the calendar as a Print PDF
- Upload PDF to Schoology
- Turn in physical copy of thumbnails, rough, & proof to bin
5. Cleanup
6. Review/What’s Next