What are we learning today?
1. Discuss Making Thumbnails (first video)
2. Demo: Making a Rough (second video)
3. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
Lens Blur for Depth
- Open a photo that has a lot of depth and add blur as shown in the video
- Turn in before & after on Schoology
Folded Card
- Research card designs
- Draw four thumbnails for the inside of the card
- Layout the card in InDesign
- Take photos for the alphabet
- Crop and resize the photos accordingly
- Add type to the inside of the card
- Create artwork for the cover in Photoshop
- Place the Photoshop file into InDesign doc
- Export the card as a PDF
- Upload the PDF to Schoology
- Change the month & dates to fit each month
- Crop, resize & place photos for the month pages
- Add any other touches to month pages
- Place in the cover design (possibly using the lens flare) on page 1
- Place the collage on page 14
- Export the calendar
- Make a proof sheet & print it
- Adjust colors, errors as seen on proof
- Export the calendar as a Print PDF
- Upload PDF to Schoology
- Turn in physical copy of thumbnails, rough, & proof to bin
4. Cleanup
5. Review/What’s Next
Period 4
Good morning everyone! Let me offer my most sincere apology that I am not with you today. I really hate to miss class, but I have been having some residual effects from Covid and have finally broken down and made a doctors appointment for it. I really don't feel well and need to get a little help. But more importantly, what should you do today? Well, I would like you to continue working on your CD project. I have a link below for putting the elements of your project together in InDesign. If all of your assets (photos, graphics, etc.) have been created, add everything to the InDesign file that you created. Once you get them into the document you'll need to position and possibly resize them. The video will help you to make sense of how to do this. If you complete the CD project, fantastic! Take a look at the link on Unique Selling point. This will help you as you begin planning your advertisement. Hope you have a fantastic day!
What are we learning today?
1. Discuss Unique Selling Point
2. Demo: Adding & Rescaling Items in InDesign
3. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
CD Jacket
- Choose a band/artist and album
- Brainstorm ideas for graphics & photos
- Draw thumbnails for the cover, back, inside & spine
- Layout the CD framework in InDesign
- Print the layout & draw rough into it
- Vector image(s)
- Take your photo of the product
- Simple background & strong lighting
- Try different angles & take extra shots
- Make a practice selection
- Make a selection of your photo
- Compose your type in InDesign
- Add graphics & photo to InDesign file
- Export the file as a Print PDF & upload it to Schoology
- Decide on a direction/selling point for your
- Draw thumbnails for your ad
- Create a rough
- Create all of the graphics, photos, & text for your ad
- Put everything together in InDesign
- Adjust the design so that it meets the P.O.D.’s & is attractive
- Export the file as a Print PDF
- Upload the file to Schoology with a photo of your thumbnails & rough
4. Cleanup
5. Review/What’s Next
Period 5
Good morning everyone! Let me offer my most sincere apology that I am not with you today. I really hate to miss class, but I have been having some residual effects from Covid and have finally broken down and made a doctors appointment for it. I really don't feel well and need to get a little help. But more importantly, what should you do today? Well, I would like you to continue working on your CD project. I have a link below for putting the elements of your project together in InDesign. If all of your assets (photos, graphics, etc.) have been created, add everything to the InDesign file that you created. Once you get them into the document you'll need to position and possibly resize them. The video will help you to make sense of how to do this. If you complete the CD project, fantastic! You can choose an image that you have already vectored to use for your screen print. Once you have chosen the image, change the colors to black and white... no gray or any other color. Then save the image. We'll talk more about what to do with this image later. Hope you all have a wonderful day guys!
What are we learning today?
1. Demo: Adding & Rescaling Items in InDesign
2. Discus Printing, Cutting
3. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
CD Jacket
- Choose a band/artist and album
- Brainstorm ideas for graphics & photos
- Draw thumbnails for the cover, back, inside & spine
- Layout the CD framework in InDesign
- Print the layout & draw rough into it
- Vector image(s)
- Take your photo of the product
- Simple background & strong lighting
- Try different angles & take extra shots
- Make a practice selection
- Make a selection of your photo
- Compose your type in InDesign
- Add graphics & photo to InDesign file
- Export the file as a Print PDF & upload it to Schoology
Screen Printing
- Obtain, label, & degrease a screen
- Coat the screen
- Convert the vector to black & white, email to Mr. Tate
- Expose the screen
- Wash out the screen with a cone spray of water
- Patch Pinholes
- Block out the screen
- Cut paper to print on
- Cut out the comprehensive, center it on cut paper, tape in place
- Print the design
- Reblock the screen
- Reclaim the screen
- Mat the best print
- Paperclip thumb, rough, comp, 2 prints, matted & rubric
4. Cleanup
5. Review/What’s Next