Good morning camera nerds! 😊Hope all is well in PA! While I miss you guys, I can not say that I miss the cold Pennsylvania weather. So what do I want you to do today? Well, start by completing the notes that you started yesterday. Once finished, write your name on the packet and turn it in so that I can give you credit for doing it. Then it's back into the Antiquing Project. Hopefully yesterday you were able to age and weather your photo with a texture and then add it to a picture frame. Today I want you to start by making two different wallpapers in Illustrator. Once created, upload both to Schoology. The next step, Part 3, is about adding 3d effects to make it look real and have depth and hanging it on the wallpaper that you made in Illustrator. Once it's hung on the wall and both the glass and drop shadow effects are added, move on to Part 4; add a vignette for a spot light effect. This will make it appear as though there is a light shining directly on the framed picture. Since this is the last step for the project, save it as a PSD and a PNG and upload both to Schoology. That's it for this project! It looks really complex and impressive but really shouldn't have been too horrible to do. If you have any questions, let me know. Hope you all have a great Wednesday!
What are we learning today?
1. Slides: Exposure Basics Part 2
2. Demo: Making a Wallpaper
3. Demo: Antiqued Photo Part 3
4. Demo: Antiqued Photo Part 4
5. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
Antiqued Photo
- Download the frame & add the photo to it
- Add a glass overlay on top of the portrait
- Create a wallpaper
- Add the portrait to the wallpaper
- Apply a drop shadow to the frame
- Make a vignette to emulate a spotlight on the picture
- Save as a PNG & PSD, turn in PNG
6. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: Antiqued Photo Part 3
Period 4
Good morning class. Happy hump day! Hope it's been a great day for you so far! Today I would like you to try to wrap up the notepad if you haven't yet. With the screen printing project you should choose a theme, sketch four thumbnails for that theme and then make a rough of the best one. Then you should make a vector of your design. It doesn't matter if you use shapes, the pen tool, the type tool... it's probably best if you do a combination of each! Once it's created, and take your time to make it look good, then you'll need to convert just the color that you want to print to black. All other colors should be white or transparent. Now you may not want to print with black ink... all good, I don't blame you! But for now, on the Illustrator file it must be. Please check out this video on prepping your image. The file thing that I have for you to do is to start preparing your screen. Take a look at this video on degreasing and then do the same thing for you screen. That's all that I have for you. Hope you have a fantastic day today!
What are we learning today?
1. Vectoring The Image & Converting it to Monochrome
2. Demo: Degreasing Your Screen
3. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
- Choose a theme for your notepad
- Grab a sheet of paper & fold in half twice
- Draw a design in each square using the same theme
- Choose the best design & make a rough
- Vector the image in it’s own Ai file
- Layout a comprehensive using the rough template from Ai
- Make a 4-Up
- Print a proof sheet
- Choose 25 sheets of paper
- Place the paper in tray 1 of printer, tell others NOT to print
- Send the job to the 419-C1 printer
- Collect & jog prints
- Cut prints apart
- Cut cardboard (mat board) for backing
- Make a mount for one print
- Pad the notepad
- Trim the edges
- Tuck thumbnails, rough, comp, mount & rubric into pad
- Turn in to bin
Screen Print
- Choose a name or image for a company
- Brainstorm and draw 4 thumbnails
- Choose your favorite thumbnail
- Develop that design into a large, clean, colored rough
- Obtain, label, & degrease a screen
- Coat the screen
- Convert the vector to black & white, email to Mr. Tate
- Expose the screen
- Wash out the screen with a cone spray of water
- Patch Pinholes
- Block out the screen
- Cut paper to print on*
- Cut out the comprehensive, center it on cut paper, tape in place
- Print the design
- Reclaim the screen
- Mat the best print*
- Paperclip thumb, rough, comp, 2 prints, matted & rubric
3. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: None
Period 5
Good afternoon gamers! Hope all is well today. I miss you all and talking tech and games with you. The good news is that me not being there is that you don't have to worry about me yapping too much or taking work time away from you! Today is simply a work day. If you still haven't done the Kahoot that I asked you to do yesterday, complete and upload the results to schoology to get credit for it. Aside from that, hope you have a great day and get a lot accomplished!