Good morning Gamers. Sorry that I am not there with you today. If I was I would be introducing how to draw with shapes. The pen tool (which we used for the Penn State logo) can make really uniquely shaped lines. Sometimes that is required to build an image. Other times, you can draw an image with shapes. That's what today's lesson would be if I was there. But you don't need me, you can start without me! You can find the starting file here and then clicking on the dog. You can get the handout that describes the project here or by clicking on the handout link on the page. There is a video that will walking you through starting the project, just like I would if I were there. If you get stuck, check with someone in the class that has had one of my other classes and they can probably help you. Otherwise I will help you once I return. Hope you have a great weekend!
What are we learning today?
1. Illustrator Dog
2. Objectives to accomplish today:
Fruit Tutorial
- Visit to download GameMaker Lite
- Install the software
- Launch GameMaker & follow the tutorial to build the Fruit Game
- Save the game
- Upload the GM81 file to Schoology
Practice Vector
- Find a photo
- Should be as high a resolution as possible
- Open it in a new tab and enlarge it as much as possible
- Save the Photo to U: Drive
- Open Ai
- Create a new file
- Place the photo into the doc
- Create a new layer and lock the first
- Change the fill to none, stroke to bright green
- Vector the inner ear and color it
- Draw the outline of the lion head as a complete shape & color it
- Make the outer oval with cutout as a complete shape & color it
- Rescale the image & save it
- Upload the file to Schoology
3. Cleanup
4. Review/what’s next
Handouts: None
Period 5
What are we learning today?
1. Work Day Today
2. Objectives to accomplish today:
- Draw drawer layout in Ai
- Decide on a theme & image(s) for drawer
- Vector the logo(s) in a new file
- Color the vector as black and white only
- Copy & paste the logo to the drawer file, scale as needed
- Type any text needed for drawer
- Select text with Selection Tool, Type>Create Outlines
- Copy and paste any text & vector to the 15” file we made
- Fit images across the top of the dock, filling down as needed
- Bring rulers up (View>Rulers>Show Rulers)
- Drag a guide from inside the top ruler to bottom of lowest vector
- Measure where the guide falls, add two inches to measurement
- Choose the color of the vinyl
- Cut vinyl with the paper cutter to the size measured earlier
- Load the vinyl into the cutter
- Open Vinyl Master, create new doc
- Make the doc tabloid size (11 x 17) & landscape
- Import the file (File>Import)
- Do an area test to see if the vinyl is the right size
- Cut the vinyl
- Remove the vinyl from the cutter once cut
- Ask for an Exacto & weed the vinyl
- Apply transfer tape to the vinyl
- Smooth the transfer tape firmly over the vinyl
- Turn in vinyl to the bin
- Turn in digital file to Schoology
- Choose a theme for your notebook
- Draw 4 thumbnails for the design of the inside pages
- Develop the best one into a rough
- Vector the image
- Layout the text, lines and vector on a sheet of letter size paper
- Proof one sheet, examine & correct as necessary
- Choose 100 sheets of paper of any color (s)
- Add the paper to tray 1, tell others not to print
- Print all notebook pages
- Punch the notebook pages for binding
- Choose a layout for the cover
- Look for a YouTube video to help you build a cool cover
- Begin creating the cover in Ai
- Add a 1/2” bleed to the file
- Drag the background out to the bleed
- On the print screen add trim marks
- Print the cover
- Cut, score and snip the edges of the print
- Cut a piece of railroad board to letter size
- Rubber cement each piece
- Fold the edges over and rubber cement them
- Cut a backing 1/4” smaller than the cover
- Rubber cement both pieces together
- Turn in digital files to Schoology
3. Cleanup
4. Time Sheets
5. Review/what’s next
Handouts: None