What are we learning today?
1. PPT: Workflow
2. Lesson: Using Bridge
3. Demo: Making a Proofsheet
4. Next Weeks Photos
5. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
Color for Emphasis
- Find a photo that you have taken
- School appropriate
- Should have a colorful subject or background
- Upload to Drive, download to laptop
- Make a selection of the subject
- Invert the selection so the background is now selected
- Desaturate the background
- Save and Upload image to Schoology as a PNG
- Choose a name or image for a company
- Brainstorm and draw 4 thumbnails using that name or image
- Choose your favorite thumbnail
- Develop that design into a large, clean, colored rough
- Scan the rough
- Place the scan into an Ai file, lock layer, create second layer
- Vector your logo with shapes & pen tool
- Add color to the logo
- Save as an Ai file and upload the image w/thumb, rough to Schoology
6. Cleanup
7. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: Using Bridge, Image Transfer & Workflow, Making a Proof Sheet
Period 3
What are we learning today?
1. Demo: Punching Notebook Pages
2. Next Project: Screen Print
3. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
Notebook Pages
- Create lines for the pages
- Vector the graphic , make any text
Notebook Cover
- Vector your graphics
- Create your type
- Create a background
- Arrange everything on a doc together using the bleed
- Print a proof sheet
- Print the cover on tabloid stock
- Cut the stock down to the edge of the bleed
- Cut diagonals at corners
- Score paper at letter size edges
- Cut matt board for core
- Rubber cement and assemble
- Cut 90lb backing board
- Rubber cement and assemble
4. Cleanup
5. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: None
Period 5
What are we learning today?
1. Quizlet
2. Demo: Vector Repair
3. Discuss Vector Issues
4. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
- Choose a name or image for a company
- Brainstorm and draw 4 thumbnails using that name or image
- Choose your favorite thumbnail
- Develop that design into a large, clean, colored rough
- Scan the rough
- Place the scan into an Ai file, lock layer, create second layer
- Vector your logo with shapes & pen tool
- Add color to the logo
- Save as an Ai file and upload the image w/thumb, rough to Schoology
5. Cleanup
6. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: None