What are we learning today?
1. Demo: Lens Blur in Photoshop
2. Demo: Blur Overlay
- Draw 4 thumbnails
- Develop a full size rough
- Measure all elements
- Determine if using 5 or 6 weeks
- Calculate the size of the boxes & record on back of rough
- Build the calendar skeleton
- Copy & paste the design to each page
- Change the month name & dates
- Add colors & designs
- Crop, resize & place the photos into boxes
- Add any other type to layout
- Build a cover page on page 1
- Place the collage onto page 14, add design
- Export the calendar as a PNG
- Make a proof sheet (2 rows x 2 columns)
- Print & examine the proof for color, mistakes
- Adjust the calendar as necessary, re-export, & re-proof
- Export the calendar as a Print PDF
- Upload the Print PDF to Schoology, turn in thumb, rough & proof
Lens Flair Background
- Follow steps on handout to make a flair brush
- Draw the flairs & distort them
- Use Bridge to make the photos a strip
- Add in colored background spots
- Upload the final to Schoology
- Take at least 10 pictures using macro & bohke
- Upload the pictures to the computer
- Make a proof sheet, print and turn in
- Upload just the photos to Schoology
3. Cleanup
4. Review/what’s next
Handouts: Lens Blur for Depth, Blur Overlay