What are we learning today?
1. Kahoot, Quiz Tomorrow
2. Review Clone Stamp & Dark Circles (Due Today)
3. Demo: Smart Blur
4. Demo: Smart Cast
5. PPT: Point & Shoot vs. DSLR
6. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
- Choose a name or image to base your logo on
- Draw 4 thumbnails around that idea
- Choose the best thumbnail and develop it into a rough
- Color the rough with colored pencils
- Scan the logo with Ps & end computer
- Create an Ai file, place scan, lock layer
- Create new layer and vector each piece on it
- Color the image
- Save the image an Ai file
- Export the image as a PNG (File>Export)
- Choose a theme for Breakout
- Decide on sprites for wall, ball, bat & barrier
Practice Vector
- Launch Ai
- Place the logo
- Create a new layer, lock the first
- Change the fill to none, stroke to bright color
- Zoom in (Ctrl +) on the inner ear
- Draw the three lines to make the shape
- Select and color the inner ear
- Draw the white silhouette of the head
- Color it and send it to the back
- Draw the blue oval with cutout
- Color the shape
- Draw the final white outer oval & color it
- Upload the final image to Schoology
7. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: Point & Shoot vs. DSLR, Smart Cast, Smart Blur
Period 3
What are we learning today?
1. Review Making a Pin
2. Notepad Syllabus & Rubric
3. Discuss Thumbnails
4. Demo: Making a Rough in Ai
5. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
- Create a new Ai doc
- Make a circle of 2.3”
- Copy and paste the circle behind the other and scale it up to 2.75”
- Add the vector, background and Text on a Path
- Delete the inner Circle once the design is complete
- Copy the pin and paste a second one on the page
- Print, Save & Upload to Schoology
- Hole punch the print into a circle
- Load pin, print& film in one side, clasp in other side
- Punch each
- Write your name on tape and place on back of pin, turn in
6. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: Syllabus, Rubric, Making a Rough