What are we learning today?
1. Demo: Making a Comprehensive Layout
2. Objectives to accomplish today:
- Choose a theme for your notepad
- Grab a sheet of paper & fold in half twice
- Draw a design in each square using the same theme
- Choose the best design & make a rough
- Vector the image in it’s own Ai file
- Layout a comprehensive using the rough template from Ai
- Make a 4-Up
- Print a proof sheet
- Choose 25 sheets of paper
- Place the paper in tray 1 of printer, tell others NOT to print
- Send the job to the 419-C1 printer
- Collect & jog prints
- Put prints apart
- Cut cardboard (mat board) for backing
- Make a mount for one print
- Pad the notepad
- Trim the edges
- Tuck thumbnails, rough, comp, mount & rubric into pad
- Turn in to bin
3. Cleanup
4. Review/what’s next
Handouts: Making a Comprehensive
Period 3
What are we learning today?
1. PPT: Rasters vs. Vectors (Part 2)
2. Demo: Planning a Vector
3. Demo: Vector Repair
4. Objectives to accomplish today:
Ill Dog
- Find, download & open the file
- Follow the steps on the handout to make the dog
- Toggle between layer to check the alignment
- When complete, save and upload to Schoology
- Choose a name or image to base your logo on
- Draw 4 thumbnails around that idea
- Choose the best thumbnail and develop it into a rough
- Color the rough with colored pencils
- Scan the logo with Ps & end computer
- Create an Ai file, place scan, lock layer
- Create new layer and vector each piece on it
- Color the image
- Save the image an Ai file
- Export the image as a PNG (File>Export)
- Upload both files to Schoology
5. Cleanup
6. Review/what’s next
Handouts: None
Period 4
What are we learning today?
1. Kahoot!
2. Play Value Copyright Video
3. Objectives to accomplish today:
- Choose a name or image to base your logo on
- Draw 4 thumbnails around that idea
- Choose the best thumbnail and develop it into a rough
- Color the rough with colored pencils
- Scan the logo with Ps & end computer
- Create an Ai file, place scan, lock layer
- Create new layer and vector each piece on it
- Color the image
- Save the image an Ai file
- Export the image as a PNG (File>Export)
- Choose a theme for Breakout
- Decide on sprites for wall, ball, bat & barrier
- Program part 1 of Breakout
- Make a Splash screen for the logo
- Make a Game Splash Screen
- Program part 2 of Breakout
- Test play the game for any bugs
- Upload the game to Schoology
5. Cleanup
6. Review/what’s next
Handouts: Exporting for GameMaker
Period 5
What are we learning today?
1. Planning, Coloring & Scaling a Vector
2. Objectives to accomplish today:
- Type any text needed for drawer
- Select text with Selection Tool, Type>Create Outlines
- Copy and paste any text & vector to the 15” file we made
- Fit images across the top of the dock, filling down as needed
- Bring rulers up (View>Rulers>Show Rulers)
- Drag a guide from inside the top ruler to bottom of lowest vector
- Measure where the guide falls, add two inches to measurement
- Choose the color of the vinyl
- Cut vinyl with the paper cutter to the size measured earlier
- Load the vinyl into the cutter
- Open Vinyl Master, create new doc
- Make the doc tabloid size (11 x 17) & landscape
- Import the file (File>Import)
- Do an area test to see if the vinyl is the right size
- Cut the vinyl
- Remove the vinyl from the cutter once cut
- Ask for an Exacto & weed the vinyl
- Apply transfer tape to the vinyl
- Smooth the transfer tape firmly over the vinyl
- Turn in vinyl to the bin
- Turn in digital file to Schoology
Screen Printing
- Make 4 thumbnails for your design
- Develop the best into a colored rough & get it apporved
- Vector the image in a new Ai file
- Covert the vector to black & white
- Email the file to me as an Ai file
- Make a screen
- Coat the screen
3. Cleanup
4. Review/what’s next
Handouts: None