What are we learning today?
1. Discuss Padding & Mounting
2. Objectives to accomplish today:
- Choose a theme for your notepad
- Grab a sheet of paper & fold in half twice
- Draw a design in each square using the same theme
- Choose the best design & make a rough
- Vector the image in it’s own Ai file
- Layout a comprehensive using the rough template from Ai
- Make a 4-Up
- Print a proof sheet
- Choose 25 sheets of paper
- Place the paper in tray 1 of printer, tell others NOT to print
- Send the job to the 419-C1 printer
- Collect & jog prints
- Put prints apart
- Cut cardboard (mat board) for backing
- Make a mount for one print
- Pad the notepad
- Trim the edges
- Tuck thumbnails, rough, comp, mount & rubric into pad
- Turn in to bin
3. Cleanup
4. Review/what’s next
Handouts: Mounting a Print
Period 3
What are we learning today?
1. Review Sharpening
2. PPT: Buying a Digital Camera
3. Demo: Smart Cast
4. Demo: Smart Blur
5. Demo: Vignette
6. Objectives to accomplish today:
- Follow along in class with the demo file
- Find one of your photos to use to sharpen eyes
- Follow the same steps to sharpen just part of your photo
- Upload the before & after to Schoology
Smart Cast
- Choose an image to use to tan the subject
- Follow the same steps to tan just the skin of the subject
- Upload the before & after to Schoology
Smart Blur
- Choose an image to use to soften the skin
- Follow the same steps to soften just the skin of the subject
- Upload the before & after to Schoology
- Choose an image to use to add a fading edge
- Follow the same steps to add a soft feathered vignette
- Upload the before & after to Schoology
7. Cleanup
8. Review/what’s next
Handouts: Smart Blur, Smart Cast, Vignette, Buying a Camera
Period 4
What are we learning today?
1. Designing with Pixels Part 1
2. Before Turning in Breakout
3. Objectives to accomplish today:
- Choose a theme for Breakout
- Decide on sprites for wall, ball, bat & barrier
- Program part 1 of Breakout
- Make a Splash Screen for the logo
- Make a Game Splash Screen
- Program part 2 of Breakout
- Test play the game for any bugs
- Upload the game to Schoology
4. Cleanup
5. Review/what’s next
Handouts: Before turning in Breakout
Period 5
What are we learning today?
1. Demo: Blocking Out a Screen
2. Objectives to accomplish today:
- Choose a theme for your notebook
- Draw 4 thumbnails for the design of the inside pages
- Develop the best one into a rough
- Vector the image
- Layout the text, lines and vector on a sheet of letter size paper
- Proof one sheet, examine & correct as necessary
- Choose 100 sheets of paper of any color (s)
- Add the paper to tray 1, tell others not to print
- Print all notebook pages
- Punch the notebook pages for binding
- Choose a layout for the cover
- Look for a YouTube video to help you build a cool cover
- Begin creating the cover in Ai
- Add a 1/2” bleed to the file
- Drag the background out to the bleed
- On the print screen add trim marks
- Print the cover
- Cut, score and snip the edges of the print
- Cut a piece of railroad board to letter size
- Rubber cement each piece
- Fold the edges over and rubber cement them
- Cut a backing 1/4” smaller than the cover
- Rubber cement both pieces together
- Turn in digital files to Schoology
Screen Printing
- Make 4 thumbnails for your design
- Develop the best into a colored rough & get it approved
- Vector the image in a new Ai file
- Covert the vector to black & white
- Email the file to me as an Ai file
- Make a screen
- Coat the screen
- Cut rubilith for the other two colors
- Expose the screen
- Wash out the screen with a cone spray of water
3. Cleanup
4. Review/what’s next
Handouts: Blocking Out a Screen