What are we learning today?
1. Kahoot!
2. Demo: Scanning
3. Demo: Setting up to Vector
4. Review Thumbnails, Discuss Rough
5. Objectives to accomplish today:
Ill Dog
- Find, download & open the file
- Follow the steps on the handout to make the dog
- Toggle between layer to check the alignment
- When complete, save and upload to Schoology
- Choose a name or image to base your logo on
- Draw 4 thumbnails around that idea
- Choose the best thumbnail and develop it into a rough
- Color the rough with colored pencils
- Scan the logo with Ps & end computer
- Create an Ai file, place scan, lock layer
- Create new layer and vector each piece on it
- Color the image
- Save the image an Ai file
- Export the image as a PND (File>Export)
- Choose a theme for Breakout
- Decide on sprites for wall, ball, bat & barrier
6. Cleanup
7. Review/what’s next
Handouts: None
Period 5
What are we learning today?
1. Demo: Building Lines for Notebook Pages
2. Objectives to accomplish today:
- Draw drawer layout in Ai
- Decide on a theme & image(s) for drawer
- Vector the logo(s) in a new file
- Color the vector as black and white only
- Copy & paste the logo to the drawer file, scale as needed
- Type any text needed for drawer
- Select text with Selection Tool, Type>Create Outlines
- Copy and paste any text & vector to the 15” file we made
- Fit images across the top of the dock, filling down as needed
- Bring rulers up (View>Rulers>Show Rulers)
- Drag a guide from inside the top ruler to bottom of lowest vector
- Measure where the guide falls, add two inches to measurement
- Choose the color of the vinyl
- Cut vinyl with the paper cutter to the size measured earlier
- Load the vinyl into the cutter
- Open Vinyl Master, create new doc
- Make the doc tabloid size (11 x 17) & landscape
- Import the file (File>Import)
- Do an area test to see if the vinyl is the right size
- Cut the vinyl
- Remove the vinyl from the cutter once cut
- Ask for an Exacto & weed the vinyl
- Apply transfer tape to the vinyl
- Smooth the transfer tape firmly over the vinyl
- Turn in vinyl to the bin
- Turn in digital file to Schoology
- Choose a theme for your notebook
- Draw 4 thumbnails for the design of the inside pages
- Develop the best one into a rough
- Vector the image
- Layout the text, lines and vector on a sheet of letter size paper
- Proof one sheet, examine & correct as necessary
- Choose 100 sheets of paper of any color (s)
- Add the paper to tray 1, tell others not to print
- Print all notebook pages
- Punch the notebook pages for binding
- Choose a layout for the cover
- Look for a YouTube video to help you build a cool cover
- Begin creating the cover in Ai
- Add a 1/2” bleed to the file
- Drag the background out to the bleed
- On the print screen add trim marks
- Print the cover
- Cut, score and snip the edges of the print
- Cut a piece of railroad board to letter size
- Rubber cement each piece
- Fold the edges over and rubber cement them
- Cut a backing 1/4” smaller than the cover
- Rubber cement both pieces together
- Turn in digital files to Schoology
3. Cleanup
4. Time Sheets
5. Review/what’s next
Handouts: None