Hello there class. Hope all is well with you today. We talked awhile back about buying a camera and what all the features are. Today I wanted to get into the differences between an DSLR (Digital SLR) and a Point and Shoot camera. Point and Shoots are pretty comparable to smartphone cameras, but both are rather different from DSLR cameras. Please watch this video to find out how they compare. Once you're done, I have an assignment for you. Hypothetically, you are buying a camera. I want you to do some research on three cameras that you think might be good for you. Find the specs, price and anything else important listed on this sheet. You can look on Amazon, Walmart, Target, Best Buy or the camera makers own websites. If the specs that I'm asking you for are not listed, I'd definitely check the manufacturer's (Canon, Nikon, Sony) own website. I made a brief video where I go through the process here. Once it's done, upload the sheet to Schoology in the Camera Research assignment. This is a little of an assignment so I'm going to give you today and tomorrow to work on it. If you have questions, let me know!
Period 4
Hi there everyone. Hope that today is going well for you. Today is the last day to work on your lighting photos. They are due tonight before midnight. It sounds like most of you are using DSLR's to take your photos with a few of you using Point and Shoot/Smart Phones. Regardless of who you are, I'd like you to spend a little time looking for camera replacement apps for your phone. Our phones are much more capable than you may be aware of. Apple and even Google in some instances try to make the camera really easy to use so. This locks us out of some valuable functionality of the camera. One app that works on both Android and iOS is Lightroom. You can use it to edit, but more importantly it can take picture and replace your stock camera app. I'm not telling you that you have to shoot with a third party app like Lightroom, but I would like you to research, install and experiment with some alternative, third party camera apps. While I know that many of you are using DSLR's for the class, I know that most of us use our smart phones to take pictures often... maybe even more! These apps can really help your phone reach new levels. So, find some camera replacement apps... how bout two or three. Try them out. Please don't feel like you need to buy any apps! Certainly you are welcome to, but I don't want you to have to spend your hard earned money! Experiment with those apps, and report back to us and tell us what you think! This isn't due until Monday so you have time to experiment and live with the apps a bit. Like I said, I think this can help your phone be a little better as a camera, but I don't expect it to replace your DSLR! Have a great day!
Period 5
Happy hump day Graphics class! Today is the day that your logo is due. It does need to be created as a vector graphic. Just make sure that the file that you upload to Schoology is a Gravit file. Remember that a Gravit file will not show any detail when viewed on Schoology, but once I download it and open it in Gravit I will be able to see it. I have nothing new for you today. Tomorrow we will move on into new territory. Hope you have a fantastic day today!