What are we learning today?
1. Personifying a Word
2. Words to Choose From
3. Typeface Search Due Today
4. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
Typeface Search
- Obtain and label four sheets of paper
- 5 Roman, 5 Square (page 1)
- 10 Sans Serif (page 2)
- 10 Script (page 3)
- 1 Text, 9 Novelty (page 4)
- Cut out examples and glue them into the correct section
- Print cover page
- Staple all pages together
- Turn in Search to bin
Personifying a Word
- Choose a word from the list
- Brainstorm ways that you exemplifying the words meaning
- Draw four thumbnails of different ideas for your word
- Develop the best thumbnail into a rough
- Create your word with type & a simple graphic
- Save the file a a PDF
- Upload the PDF to Schoology
5. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: None
Periods 3 & 5
What are we learning today?
1. Kahoot!
2. PPT: Rasters vs. Vectors (Vectors)
3. Demo: Vector Repair
4. Objectives to Accomplish Today
- Choose a name or image to base your logo on
- Draw 4 thumbnails around that idea
- Choose the best thumbnail and develop it into a rough
- Color the rough with colored pencils
- Scan the logo with Ps & end computer
- Create an Ai file, place scan, lock layer
- Create new layer and vector each piece on it
- Color the image
- Save the image an Ai file
- Export the image as a PNG (File>Export)
Illustrator Dog
- Find & download the file
- Create new layer, lock the first
- Follow steps on handout to create the dog
- Be as precise as possible in shape, size & color
- Save the images as an Ai file
- Upload the final image to Schoology
Practice Vector
- Launch Ai
- Place the logo
- Create a new layer, lock the first
- Change the fill to none, stroke to bright color
- Zoom in (Ctrl +) on the inner ear
- Draw the three lines to make the shape
- Select and color the inner ear
- Draw the white silhouette of the head
- Color it and send it to the back
- Draw the blue oval with cutout
- Color the shape
- Draw the final white outer oval & color it
- Upload the final image to Schoology
5. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: None
Period 4
What are we learning today?
1. Review Notebook, Gradient & Mesh, Rubylith
2. Demo: Exposing a Screen
3. Demo: Washing Out
4. Objectives to Accomplish Today:
Screen Print
- Stretch new fabric
- Choose an idea for the screen print
- Vector the image
- Scale the graphic to size (max 8”x 8”)
- Add registration marks (1” from your images top & bottom)
- Change one color to black, other to white
- Email me the file so I can create a positive
- Degrease screen
- Coat screen
- Expose screen
- Washout screen
- Patch pinholes
- Cut paper to print on
- Blockout screen
- Print the first color
- Re-block the screen
- Print the second color
- Reclaim the screen
- Mat best print
- Paperclip thumb, rough, comp & 5 good prints, place in bin
Notebook Pages
- Create lines for the pages
- Vector the graphic , make any text
Notebook Cover
- Vector your graphics
- Create your type
- Create a background
- Arrange everything on a doc together using the bleed
- Print a proof sheet
- Print the cover on tabloid stock
- Cut the stock down to the edge of the bleed
- Cut diagonals at corners
- Score paper at letter size edges
- Cut mat board for core
- Rubber cement and assemble
- Cut 90lb backing board
- Rubber cement and assemble
5. Review/What’s Next
Handouts: None